
    Why good is underrated.


    There are so many sayings indicating that being good is just too boring; for example “nice guys finish last” “good girls are prude and they don’t know how to have fun” one would think if you want to have a great relationship you would look for someone who’s good right? Well naturally that’s what I would do but most people or rather most girls are attracted to guys with red flags.


    In this society morality is just boring, men can have casual sex without the possibility of dating the girl and women can use their sexuality to their advantage to get what they want even if really they are degrading themselves in the process but hey who am I to judge? Being good should be more popular it should not be underrated. Back in the 1950’s and 1800s good men who had jobs were the ones who were married and the men who were so called a “walking red flags “ were alone because women would not date them and women  used to respect themselves more. They used to dress modestly, they use to prioritize marriage before sex because having children out of wedlock was frown upon. But nowadays a woman can become a baby mama before a wife easier than ever. I don’t want that for me, I want a hopeless romantic guy. That’s the whole reason why I’ve been single this whole time, I’ve been reading Jane Austen, Nicholas sparks and so many romantic novels ever since I was a kid that no men has ever measured up to that. I started dating recently because I think I’m ready but the dating scene is just shocking even for Christian’s. 


    I don’t want a bad guy I do in fact want the nice guy who text me back quickly, says good morning beautiful in the morning even if it’s 12 pm and it’s our first conversation of the day, I want flowers even if I can’t keep them (because my cats will eat them and flowers are dangerous for cats but I still want them what I do with them after doesn’t have to matter to him) I want him to hold my hand before he touches my body, I want him to make a playlist for me( there was a guy who made a CD for me and I to this day this is the most romantic thing a guy has ever done for me)

    People have told me you’re beautiful so it’s probably easy for you to date! Ugh wrong! Most men take a look at your face and body and goes yeah I’d tap that… but that’s not what I want. I am more than what meets the eyes, I am more than a pretty face! I am a complex individual, I am versatile, I am weird! I am kind, I am nice but  I can be mean if provoked ! I am apologetic because I am so empathetic! I never want to hurt anyone ! I want everyone around me to be happy just like my daddy ❤️ I would go out of my way to help someone I love, I am very optimistic even if I appear pessimistic at times, I am a happy person despite struggling with my mental health! I am girly ! I am wonderful… until someone can recognize all of that I will stay to myself. 

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