• Everyone deals with grief differently and some people like just deal with internally in some other ways...


    • Promiscuous: when you lose someone important it is expected to act a little promiscuous because you feel broken inside therefore you might feel a little insecure and you might feel like you need "extra attention" even though you really don't! trust me you will get it from the worse kind of people too. 
    • Denial: To this day I still think my dad is somewhere on vacation. I don’t think he’s gone; I can’t comprehend it yet … even writing about it doesn’t make it real.
    • Painful awakening: waking up and realizing that things aren’t the same even if I don't want to accept what's happening.
    • Not caring; I honestly do not care if I live or die but I care more about where I am leaving my pets; I can't imagine not being able to stare at Pixie's beautiful little face and seeing Archie beautiful eyes and holding my precious little girl Selie. So technically I am living for my pets...also my mom because I can stand anything bringing her pain.
    • Busy: I love working and doing something. I hate sitting down doing nothing.
    • Splurge: in material things, I have been shopping a lot more than usual but I kind of stop now. 
    • Anxiety: gosh I am sooo anxious it is crazy, but it is getting better...
    • Anger: seeing everyone moving on with their lives just makes me angry lol
    • Alone: just want to be alone all the time; I don’t answer text or call anyone back 
    • Isolating: constant need to isolate myself because I feel like no one understands me. I actually don't want to talk sometimes; I would not pick up my phone and not text anyone back when I need alone time.
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