• update.

    All I can think about is how bad I feel with my allergies. That the only reason why I hate spring!

    I am sooooo tired, my doctor prescribed me a nasal spray so that has been helping to clear my nose by the way my nose is sooo small too lol, the spray also stops me from sneezing too much, it basically dried up my nose. if you don't see me just know I am somewhere with a pile of dirty tissue and not being able to breathe :(. My allergies weren't so bad, but it got even worse this year to the point where I have to stay home and cancel plans. I got it from my dad he always had very bad allergies, I can't remember a time I didn't see my dad with a pile of tissues lol he also loved taking Claritin because that helped so much. I will get that soon but for now the nasal spray is helping a lot.

    My cats are doing great they are very clingy, I assume they are scared that I will leave soon but poor babies I don't think they understand death. I love them so much; I know they feel my love that's why they are always snuggling up to me when I am home. They are SOOO cute, I have all black and white kitties :)

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  • Gosh I hate the spring! my allergies are getting worse and worse. I don't know what to do, I can't breathe without sneezing and my eyes are watery :( I can't take this. The pollen is worse this year and people have the nerve to cut grass when I am walking by! ugh I am dying

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  • Dear dad,

    i miss you, I wanted to call last week to cry on the phone with you even if I’ve never shown you my emotions. I miss you so much daddy, I wish I could call you and tell you everything that’s been going on.

    i miss you, and I love you.

    i realize recently through my mother that you loved football maybe that’s why I love it so much! I guess the Apple never fall far from the tree.

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