• choose peace.

    sometimes people change and they may start doing things that would offend us but if you chose peace you win. When you have hate towards someone they are still on your mind even if you don't want them to be but if you chose to forgive them and move on you're the one winning. You're not all caught up in that person's life, worry about what they are doing because simply you chose to move on and focus your attention elsewhere. You need to be happy and you need to accept things the way they are,it might not always be the way you want them to be but when you realize that something better could be out there just waiting for you to get to it you will let the past go. 

    Believing that things are going to get better and that you won't always be going through whatever you're going through will make you feel better and even happy that things are going to change. I can proudly say that I have no hate in my heart for anyone. I am just isolating myself from any negativity.

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