• Mais qu'est ce que je dois faire a la fin? je fou tout en l'air

    tout a coup

    je ne suis plus la meme

    alors que j'ai  le meme prenom.

    J'ai peut etre une toute nouvelle signature mais quoi?

    je suis tourjours la meme.

    On regarde toujours

    si elle fait quelque chose mal

    alors qu'on est tous pareil. 

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  • God i'm sick of that aren't you? sick of always checking my back looking behind my back looking behind me, watching what i'm saying,think,do. I can't - I can't breathe, i can't sleep, i can't move, i can't talk, i can't talk, i can't walk. I feel like there are walls everywhere i go -bam ! there's a wall everything i want -bam another wall.no 

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  • Somehow i find it ridiculous that we can share everything

    with the whole entire world,

     In just a minute

    and that's exactly what I'm doing...

    But it's not all  about me

    but when Miley came back all insane,

    I see what everyone been talking about.

    We all try to show how talented we are

    and how smart we are

    but we always forget about our own personality.

    These days when i say" he's got a good personality "

    they all laugh and say

    " it's not about that ! who cares he's nice but is he talented enough to make people pay attention"

    I feel like we all can just come out and do whatever other people expect us to do,


    I don't care about the future anymore,

    but i''l make sure it's good.

    One day all pain will be over and wash away,

    like the dirt on the ground before the rain show up...

    "Don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there, you're there"

    -Cat stevens 

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  • I stop thinking about how good life could be years ago,

    it doesn't help at all to wake in the morning and say" my life suck"

    cause the truth is some people don't have one.

    Why not enjoy this when I have it?

    Somehow i'm willing to risk it all

    just because i want to live it up,

    i don't know if we all feel the same way.

    All i know is

    I lost my mind every time I chose the wrong path.

    I can't stand to stand there looking at them live it,

    why can't we all share together?

    why do we all have to be so judgmental once in a while?

    who cares if she can't sing !

    but we all listen to her song anyway just to make fun of her.

    Why can't we all try to forget and start over ?

    we always have to look back

    and wonder

    what would it be like if i was there?

    The truth is you're only getting mad at yourself

    cause you can't go back in the past !

    now here's a tissue and be brave.

    We all have a turn,

    it might be yours right now but

    don't let get away without trying... 

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  • I mess it up

    and it all put back together,

    when i feel like i should do the right thing.

    I say what's on my mind any time

    even though it doesn't make much sense to you,

    but to me it all make sense.

    I will always say what i think

    cause I  have to get it out,

    we all should do it once in a while.

    When i don't want to talk i stay in the corner

    and i do what i'm suppose to be doing.

    I smile when someone smile at me

    because i think it's nice,

    i hate fooling people but

    sometimes it came out right

    then suddenly i seem perfect when obviously i mess up all the time.

    Somehow i manage to become bright

    but not enough to stop me from trouble.

    But the thing is,

    it doesn't matter about who you are

    or anything it's just YOU,

    you can do whatever you want with your own life.

    The worse that could ever happen to you

    is if you only chose the wrong path.

    Life isn't really what you think it is,

    sorry but we are  all wrong. 

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