• No one cares about a sad story,work hard and stay private 

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    Je lui dirais : 

    je sais que tu es tres triste après avoir perdu ton frère, je sais que tu pense que cette douleur restera pour toujours mais avec le temps ça ira mieux. Je sais que tu viens d’avoir une accident de voiture et que tu pense ne pas pouvoir t’en sortir mais crois moi quand je te dis que tout ira bien! Tu trouveras une très jolie voiture. Je sais que tu crois avoir trouvé un gars super gentil mais il n’est pas fait pour toi, oui ça fera mal et tu vas beaucoup pleuré mais crois moi un jours tu comprendras pourquoi ça n’a pas marché. Ne pleure pas ma belle, tout ira bien crois en Jehovah et continue de te rapprocher de lui, continue d’aller au réunion. Ne soit pas si triste parce que tu n’arrive pas à faire des commentaires à la salle un jours tu n’auras plus peur. Tout ira bien crois moi. 

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    Télécharger « v12044gd0000cs414a7og65j3dbhfugg.mp4 »

    This is a love is blind episode, please watch the video and come read this:


    In the video you can clearly see that the girl doesn’t like the guy! Yes, she kissed him back and at times she would prefer to kiss him than to let him hold her! yes, she allowed him to hug her but she’s not feeling it. She only allowed all of that to happen because the cameras are rolling. 

    Guys please if you are hugging a girl and she steps back please leave her alone, she doesn’t want you. Don’t force her to kiss you or to do anything! Watching this gives me PTSD because at the beginning of the year I went on a date with a guy I didn’t like romantically and even though I kissed him back, but he was the one pushing anything physical on me. I was only okay with holding hands, I didn’t want to kiss him at all! I wasn’t feeling him, and he should’ve known that I wasn’t! Because the signs were there, I kept pushing him away and breaking the kiss first. I don’t like him at all! Ugh I felt like in his mind because he took me out and fed me, he felt like he could have my body. He kept touching me and I kept pushing his hands away, I hated that moment for me. I cried after because I felt used, I would want the man that I choose to date to ask me can I kiss you? Please ask me if I’m okay with this, ask me if, I’m sure. Some of us have been through traumatic events and I think it is essential to get consent before you do anything. Please be mindful of the other person’s boundaries, do not cross a line you can’t turn back from. As a man: PLEASE ASK CONSENT FIRST even if you feel like she would be okay with it 

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  • Gee My glutes are on fire today! 

    If I work out and I don't get sore the next day I am not happy because I need to feel what i did lol, it makes me feel like I didn't go hard enough! mind you I can't overexert myself at the moment and I am super tired, but I increased the weight, went at a slower paced and focused on each leg separately. 

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